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Writer's pictureLindsay Wheelock

Prep for US Nationals

We had about 30 passes on our engine in the Dragpak between testing and the NMCA race in Martin, Michigan. So as soon as we returned from Michigan, the engine came out the next day and is already back at BES Racing Engines being refreshed. Upon taking it apart, they found some cracked pistons! So as with everything in my life, I suppose it's for the best that my last pass in Michigan I spun the tires and didn't make a pass. We don't need to be blowing up an engine going 170+mph down the track.

I was so bummed and down on myself for blowing the first round of eliminations. I felt as if it were my fault because I didn't get enough wheel speed in my burnout so when I went to launch the car, it went nowhere. We also had hit the tire pretty hard with a little more power than was probably necessary, so it was a mix of a lot of causes. Either way, it was a tough loss. I have lost nearly every race I have ever raced in my short career. I almost always handle the losses very well. I am usually high from a fast, fun pass and just thankful for the opportunity to learn and drive. However some losses just hit a little differently. This one in particular. The harder we work, and the more time and money that the team invests, the losses just hurt that much more. In drag racing, it's a lot of hurry up and wait. We worked so hard all weekend in grueling conditions for hours on end, and then that one 7-second shot to prove your team has what it takes, and it all comes crashing down. It's such a huge emotional letdown. But as always, lessons were most definitely learned and I intend to bring my best at the next race.

While the crew at BES repair the engine, we have been working hard at getting the parts needed to go testing before US Nationals. We have a different set of springs coming from Menscer Motorsports (which is quite possibly the best suspension company in the US), and new pads and rotors coming from Strange Engineering (they developed a new set of pads that will stop the car real fast ;).

I'm so thankful for our product sponsors that make our racing experience that much more possible. I have been working hard on partnering with more brands and we have also been hard at work to have the car's look rebranded! I share all of the behind-the-scenes "secrets" over on my Instagram's subscriptions. Join me over there and weigh in your thoughts!

Thanks for being here!! I hope you have a blessed and safe weekend.

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